Wound care

Due to the high humidity and other circumstances, such as dust or insects that try to keep the wounds open, the wound healing process in the tropics is much worse than at home.
Therefore, it is important:

  • Do not take injuries (even if really small) lightly, infections may arise here really very fast!
  • Clean every wound (bottled water) and disinfect as quickly as possible (e.g. using octenisept or other wound disinfectant).
  • In the case of gravel, make sure that coarse particles such as sand or stones are carefully removed.
  • After desinfecting the wound, take care of the wound with iodine (Betaisodona / here: Betadine (yellow bottle). This usually helps to dry the wound.

It is important to keep the wound dry!

  • Therefore, do not go swimming and make sure that no water gets into the wound when showering.
  • Allow the wound to “breathe” as often as possible and do not stick with impermeable patches; Leave overnight as open as possible.
  • When you drive your scooter, however, protect the wound, so that no additional dirt will get into the wound!
    Impregnated compresses (Sofra-tulle) are recommended to cover the wound, so the material does not lay directly on the wound.


    If the wound is wet, clean it with a sterile compress (Kasa Sterile) that is steralized in saline solution (Sodium Chloride). Dab again, carefully remove the secretions and apply compresses until the wound is dry (does not burn!)
    Depending on the depth of the wound, it may take approx. one day or more to get better.
    If the wound is dry, you can support the wound healing with an antibiotic ointment (e.g. garamycin, approx. 100.000 IDR) – Attention: only apply to the dry wound!
    If a scab forms, then always apply sunscreen, as otherwise ugly scars can arise!
    : Health